2016年7月10日 星期日






Caffeine fix: Wake up to recycled coffee
It's a booming global business with 70 million cups consumed per day in the UK alone, but for every coffee drinker there's a slew of granules destined for landfill.
Luckily where some see trash, others see treasure. Launched in 2014, bio-bean has been reducing the cuppa's carbon footprint by turning tons of coffee grounds into biofuel pellets.
"Each year in the UK there's about 500,000 tons of wasted coffee grounds," says founder and CEO Arthur Kay.
A much-needed pick me up
"We essentially drive around London and collect wasted coffee grounds from a whole range of sites across the capital ... over a thousand different coffee shops, restaurants, offices, train stations and shopping centers have signed up," adds the 25-year-old.
And it's not just London -- over 300 hundred locations across the UK are handing over their waste to the company who then drive it to bio-bean's base in Cambridgeshire.
"Our factory processes about one in 10 cups of coffee produced in the UK -- that's about seven million cups a day," says Kay.
咖啡融合:可回收的咖啡   覺醒吧
在英國, 每天就有70,000,000杯的消費量如雨後春筍般的全球市場, 但是平均每個愛好咖啡人士,將垃圾掩埋場掩埋數量的咖啡渣。
幸運的是, 有垃圾的地方也是商機。 2014, 有機咖啡推出已經降低cuppa的碳足跡藉著將一噸的咖啡渣轉換成有機燃料球。
有機咖啡創辦執行長說: 「英國每年會浪費掉50萬噸的咖啡渣。」
「在英國,我們工廠製造十分之一杯的咖啡--也就是七百萬杯一天」, Kay回答

'Coffee logs'
At the moment bio-bean mainly converts coffee into biomass pellets and briquettes which can be used for anything from warming pizza ovens to heating entire buildings.
"We could certainly power a small town," says Kay, whose factory can process up to 50,000 tons of coffee waste per year.
For now, most of the pellets are sold back to the coffee shops where they came from, creating a circular economy which is more sustainable than when products are made, used and disposed of.
Soon there will also be "coffee logs" available, which Kay hopes will be a greener alternative to traditional wood fires in the home.
Reducing CO2
Biodiesel is another product on the back burner, with the team investigating how coffee waste could power cars, buses, and even their own bio-bean collection truck.

「我們發電一個小鎮」, Kay 那些工廠能夠每年處理掉每噸50萬咖啡渣。
不久,將會有咖啡渣木頭上市, 這也是另一個取代傳統木頭火源的環保方式。

Whether the granules are heating buildings or fueling cars, the main point is they're not being dumped straight onto landfill sites or sent to the incinerator, where they'd produce C02.
Read: How Norway is changing the way we drink coffee
"For every ton of coffee grounds, you would release a couple of tons of Methane and CO2," says Kay, who first came up with the idea after examining a cup of leftover coffee.
Recipe for success
"It had been left out overnight, and there was a thin film of oil on top of it. And I thought, there must be something useful in there."
It turns out there was -- the coffee lover now employs more than 25 people, and the company recently won a Virgin Media business award, handed to them by star entrepreneur Richard Branson.
"Two and half years ago, this was a sketch on the back of a napkin," says Kay, "and today it's a ground-out reality which could power the future."
不管咖啡渣是做成是屋內取暖或是添加車子燃料, 主要是咖啡渣不會被直接傾倒在垃圾掩埋場或焚化爐燃燒產生二氧化碳了!
借鏡: 挪威如何改變我們日常喝咖啡的方式
「每噸的咖啡渣會釋放一批噸的甲烷和二氧化碳」, Kay, 他也是第一個想出檢驗咖啡殘留的人
轉換的是咖啡愛好者目前擁有員工超過25人以上, 且該公司最近贏得維珍傳媒企業獎,由明星企業家Richard Branson授獎
「兩年半前,這只是一個餐巾紙上的構想 , Kay, 「如今跳脫構想成為未來的能源。」

