2020年8月24日 星期一

0823 BBC 翻譯

TikTok launches legal action against Trump over ban


 Chinese video app TikTok is taking legal action to challenge a ban imposed by US President Donald Trump.


Mr Trump's executive order prohibits transactions with TikTok's owner ByteDance from mid-September.

自從九月中旬, 藉著抖音所有人字節跳動(ByteDance)川普執行命令禁止交易.

Officials in Washington are concerned that the company could pass data on American users to the Chinese government, something ByteDance has denied doing.


The short video-sharing app has 80 million active US users.

短影片在美國有80 百萬活躍的使用者

TikTok says it has tried to engage with the Mr Trump's administration for nearly a year but has encountered a lack of due process and an administration that pays "no attention to facts".

2020年8月21日 星期五

0821CNN 翻譯練習

 Global energy use has been dealt such a huge blow by the coronavirus pandemic that it's like wiping out demand from all of India, a country of 1.3 billion people and the world's third biggest consumer.

全球能源藉著新冠狀病毒大流行病被處理一個巨大的打擊就像抹去所有1.3 億人口和世界第三大消費者需求的全國的印度人民

That's according to the International Energy Agency, which said in a new report Thursday that demand for energy could crash 6% this year if lockdowns persist for many months and the economic recovery is slow.


Such a scenario is "increasingly likely," the IEA said, adding that a drop of that scale would be seven times the size of the decline following the 2008 global financial crisis. Demand for electricity is poised to plunge 5% in 2020, the largest fall since the Great Depression.


2020年8月20日 星期四


在那看到不錯的履歷呈現方式 , 將很多履歷形式擺在牆上,模擬老闆的辦公桌, 讓大家欣賞、觀摩修改前、修改後的用字遣詞不同. 也展開一連串大家彼此的自我介紹,每當有人結束介紹,她都會請大家為當下的朋友說一個讚美的話,因為在亞洲, 太多人都不知道如何讚美別人. 因此她要鼓勵來現場的大家、 可以藉著讚美, 重新有正能量循環. 有些人是邊介紹自己就感動的掉淚、 Jude說: 哭是很好的, 不要壓抑它。 

看完履歷展發現: 大家對於中間待業時間也是有一定的安排──有些人去別縣市交換食宿、 有些人發展自己喜歡的事情(寫專輯、 創業......等等。)

在工作的規劃, 有些人選擇線性職涯;有些則是跳躍型職涯,這些都沒有對與錯,人生的想像, 不再只是單一路線, 而有多種想法思考,對求職條條框框枷鎖拿掉後, 發現原來人生有很多路可以選擇、可以走。 因為這是自己人生, 要 you only live once活在當下 」這場活動突破過往在求職從未有過的新經驗。

總結:在眾多履歷, 如何寫關鍵字在第一時間被人資看到、且是有溫度的、像在和朋友講話.而透過這場活動, 再次感受到這樣溫暖、正向, 且多元交流的人們與他人互動。

履歷展覽 (Jude主辦)
時間:8/10-8/22  18:00-21:00

#resume.service # 求職 #人生可以有很多選擇