2021年1月12日 星期二




因為啊! 台灣太擁擠了、社交圈人與人界線太模糊了! 常常溝通之間會越線而不自知, 因此我很難受這樣的所處環境啊!

晴說 是唷! 原來這樣的環境讓你很不舒服唷, 你可以大方把你的感覺告訴那個難為你的人啊?

月影: 沒有想的那麼簡單:)

晴說: 那你在國外待的如何 歐洲如何?

月影:這裡風景很美 但人與人之間的樣子像住在台北一樣 冷冷的 物價也高

CNN 0112

 As two older, White, male candidates fought for supremacy in the United States election, New Zealand was offering its electorate a more progressive choice: two White women.

這兩位年長的的白人候選人為美國選舉最高榮譽而戰. 紐西蘭提供一個全體選民及有激進的選擇

But in New Zealand, that was just the start.


When Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was reelected in a landslide last month, she brought with her a diverse cast of politicians that make up what is -- by some measures -- the most inclusive parliament in the world.

當總理 賈新達 愛兒登(Jacibda Ardern) 

在上個月在一場土石流被選出, 她帶出一個多元政策的案子指出-- 藉著一些民調數據 , 在世界上最大包含國會議員 .

Almost half of New Zealand's newly sworn-in Parliament are women and 11% are LGBTQ. Both New Zealand's Indigenous Māori and people with Pacific Island heritage are represented at a slightly higher rate than in the general population.

大部分半數紐西蘭最新國會議員是女性且有百分之十一是女同性戀者. 兩位紐西蘭的在大西洋原住民毛利人宣示就職