2016年10月31日 星期一

序一 首篇


濕漉的傍晚, 燦對著我說



狠心的, 頭也不回的跑走





「我不要再為別人而活, 要過自己的生活」


晴搬離原本居住的地方, 收起行囊



鈴聲響起, 傳來不安的腳步聲,

那頭的聲音說著 :「燦 ,你快回家吧!」








推開房門的我, 走進屋內









說: 你還好嗎?



為了不讓靈感跑掉 ,而我就將腦中的故事

記錄下來 XD

2016年10月15日 星期六




包裝方式確認 並繕打出貨資料-invoice,packinglist





packinglist,  invoice也要附上(蓋大小章)

接著就是確認貨物材積 重量標示,



confirm the qty, spec that customers want, make sure the products have in stock.

confirm the Att, address, price,......



2016年8月12日 星期五

0812 中英翻譯~

Rare 4th century mosaic unearthed in Cyprus


Archaeologist Fryni Hadjichristofi knew she may have run up on something special when she noticed an oddity under a road near the site where she was excavating. She just didn't know how special.
考古學家Fryni Hadjichristofi 正挖掘遺跡時,注意到一個奇特的地下道。但她並不知道這個地下有多特殊的事物在等著他發覺。

What Hadjichristofi and her crew uncovered was a rare 4th century mosaic, the only one of its type found in Cyprus and one of very few found in the world.It depicts a chariot race -- with four chariots, their drivers and horses -- in the hippodrome, ancient Rome's racing venue.

Hadjichristofi 和他的夥伴挖出西元4世紀馬賽克遺跡,這在賽勒普斯是典型的發現並且是世界上稀有的發現。馬賽克描繪了戰車賽--有四個戰車,騎士和馬在賽馬場古代羅馬競技場。

Hadjichristofi, an archaeologist with Cyprus' Department of Antiquities, and her seven-person crew found the mosaic last year while working on a site about 20 miles from Nicosia, Cyprus' capital.

Something big

When they first uncovered a small bit of the mosaic, they couldn't immediately do a full-scale excavation because of where it was.
"We noticed that there was something under the road," Hadjichristofi told CNN. "But we really didn't suspect we had this important thing underneath."


Eventually the road was removed to reveal the stunning mosaic, incredibly well preserved and measuring 36 feet long and 13 feet wide. But that's not all of it; there's still work to do to dig out the rest of it, Hadjichristofi said.

The mosaic may have been part of the floor in a villa belonging to a wealthy person during the days the Romans ruled the island.One of the reasons the mosaic is such an archaeological find is it because of what it shows.
"To have the whole (chariot) race in the hippodrome represented in a mosaic makes this very rare indeed," she said.

Names in Greek

The mosaic shows four chariots with horses and a driver, or charioteer, and appears to show four phrases of a race. There's Greek lettering above each chariot. That's important too.

    "Each chariot is accompanied by two names above each chariot, written in Greek," Hadjichristofi said. "One is the name of a charioteer and the other is the name of a horse. It is rare to have this."

    The names usually express some kind of special characteristic about the chariot driver and the horse.

    Hadjichristofi predicts it'll take about two more years of work to dig out all of the mosaic, because they can't work in the rain or during the winter months. But since the mosaic is in good condition, restoration work won't be difficult and it'll then be ready to be viewed by the public.
    reference from CNN

    2016年8月5日 星期五

    0806 文章翻譯


    Design porn? What happens when car designers leave four wheels behind?
    設計鬧劇?  當設計師留下四輪中背後故事

    They may be best known for the vehicles they produce, but many car brands also manufacture items a world away from their core business.
    Take Japanese giant Honda. There's almost nothing this company doesn't make besides cars: boats, planes, lawnmowers, snow blowers and robots to name but a few.
    Many of the older car companies started out making motorbikes, so it's no surprise to find BMW, Honda and Suzuki still in the mix. But pepper mills?
      The Peugeot company was founded in France in 1810 and it initially manufactured everything from salt and pepper mills to coffee grinders, and springs to umbrella frames. Bicycles came along later and then in 1890 the first Peugeot car with an internal combustion engine was produced.

      Italian luxury brand Lamborghini is best known for its supercars, but founder Ferruccio Lamborghini (1916-1993) began making tractors in 1948. It wasn't until 1963 that he started manufacturing sports cars.
      義大利製頂級奢華--藍寶堅尼的超跑是世界知名,但是創辦人Ferruccio Lamborghini早期是1948年製造拖曵機。直到1963年他才開始投身製造運動跑車。
      Read: Live like a playboy with Fiat heir Lapo Elkann
      Some auto companies have decided to diversify in recent years because they don't just want customers to drive their creations -- they want them to "live the brand" too.
      詳閱:活得像Fiat繼承人Lapo Elkann紈褲子弟
      It's all there -- from a hi-tech Signature Touch for Bentley' smartphone, created in association with British firm Vertu, to Bentley Infinite Eau de Toilette, exquisite silk scarves and hand-crafted leather bags. And the brand just opened its first ever mountain lodge in Kitzbuhel, Austria, available for private bookings at more than $5,200 (£4,000) for seven days, depending on the time of year.
      There's also a sumptuous Bentley Suite at the St Regis Istanbul for around $4,700 (£3,600) per night, following a similar collaboration at the St Regis New York.
      像是--高科技賓利智慧型手機簽名觸控,由英國firm Vertu到賓利Infinite Eau de Toiletter, 精緻絲綢圍巾和手製皮革包。該品牌剛在山間小屋開幕,Kitzbuhel,奧地利目前都可訂房,七天住宿超過美金5,200,取決於the time of year.
      豪華賓利套房在St Regis 伊斯坦堡每晚要價美金4,700,在紐約St Regis相關合作。
      Read: Aston Martin and Red Bull F1 team unveil radical hypercar
      Fasten your seat-belts and scroll through the gallery above for 16 more examples of unexpected creations from car manufacturers.
      閱讀: 奧斯丁馬汀和紅牛一級方程式團隊揭幕雷達超級汽車

      *article references from CNN

      2016年7月22日 星期五

      0722 中英翻譯

      from CNN news

      ps 依舊翻譯我有興趣的文章瞜~~


      Love coffee but care about the environment?
      Then you may have a dilemma. An estimated 60 billion paper cups in the U.S. end up in landfills every year because they can't be recycled easily. That includes cups sold by all major coffee chains. But Starbucks, the market leader, may have found a solution.
      A coffee cup is an environmental nightmare. Most are made from cardboard with a thin layer of plastic tightly attached to the cup. This keeps the drink warm and prevents the cardboard from becoming soggy. But it also makes the cup non-recyclable. It takes about 20 years for such a cup to decompose.
      Campaigners have long been pushing for retailers to start using more sustainable cups, or at least come clean about the impact their cups have on the environment.
      活動發起人長期以來也一直推動零售商開始使用一些可重覆使用杯子或至少come clean about the 影響環境的杯子。

      Related: This German city just banned coffee pods相關新聞: 德國城市禁止咖啡包
      Several major chains in the U.K., including Starbucks (SBUX)McDonald's (MCD), KFC and Pret a Manger signed a "Paper Cup Manifesto" last month, pledging to step up efforts to boost recycling rates.
      英國大部分多數連鎖商 包含星巴克,麥當勞,肯德基和Pret 經理在上個月都簽訂了「紙杯宣言」,承諾加緊努力來提升回收成效。
      On Wednesday, Starbucks agreed to take the issue further and test a new fully recyclable kind of coffee cup in the U.K.
      The cups are made from recycled paper by British packaging company Frugalpac, which pitched the idea to Starbucks. A plastic liner is only lightly bonded onto the paper after the cup's shape is formed. The design allows the plastic lining to be easily separated in a recycling plant -- the liner gets stuck in the filters, while the cardboard goes through and can be recycled and used again, up to seven times, mostly to print newspapers.
      The entrepreneur behind the Frugalpac cup design, Martin Myerscough, said people are often shocked to learn that existing paper cups are only used once and rarely get recycled. The perception is that because the cups are made mostly of paper, the material can be reused.
      企業在Frugalpac 杯子設計之前,Martin Myerscough說:「人們通常會訝異到存在紙杯只能使用一次且鮮少能再回收」這個觀點是因為杯子大部分由紙做成,材料是可被再製的。
      "We really hope that Frugalpac becomes the standard in the industry so people can get on with enjoying their coffee without worrying about what damage the cup does to the environment afterwards," said Myerscough.
      「我們相當希望Frugalpac 成為工業中卓越的代表,此外人們可以暢快品茗咖啡也無須庸擾紙杯會造成環境上的污染了」Myerscough說

      2016年7月10日 星期日






      Caffeine fix: Wake up to recycled coffee
      It's a booming global business with 70 million cups consumed per day in the UK alone, but for every coffee drinker there's a slew of granules destined for landfill.
      Luckily where some see trash, others see treasure. Launched in 2014, bio-bean has been reducing the cuppa's carbon footprint by turning tons of coffee grounds into biofuel pellets.
      "Each year in the UK there's about 500,000 tons of wasted coffee grounds," says founder and CEO Arthur Kay.
      A much-needed pick me up
      "We essentially drive around London and collect wasted coffee grounds from a whole range of sites across the capital ... over a thousand different coffee shops, restaurants, offices, train stations and shopping centers have signed up," adds the 25-year-old.
      And it's not just London -- over 300 hundred locations across the UK are handing over their waste to the company who then drive it to bio-bean's base in Cambridgeshire.
      "Our factory processes about one in 10 cups of coffee produced in the UK -- that's about seven million cups a day," says Kay.
      咖啡融合:可回收的咖啡   覺醒吧
      在英國, 每天就有70,000,000杯的消費量如雨後春筍般的全球市場, 但是平均每個愛好咖啡人士,將垃圾掩埋場掩埋數量的咖啡渣。
      幸運的是, 有垃圾的地方也是商機。 2014, 有機咖啡推出已經降低cuppa的碳足跡藉著將一噸的咖啡渣轉換成有機燃料球。
      有機咖啡創辦執行長說: 「英國每年會浪費掉50萬噸的咖啡渣。」
      「在英國,我們工廠製造十分之一杯的咖啡--也就是七百萬杯一天」, Kay回答

      'Coffee logs'
      At the moment bio-bean mainly converts coffee into biomass pellets and briquettes which can be used for anything from warming pizza ovens to heating entire buildings.
      "We could certainly power a small town," says Kay, whose factory can process up to 50,000 tons of coffee waste per year.
      For now, most of the pellets are sold back to the coffee shops where they came from, creating a circular economy which is more sustainable than when products are made, used and disposed of.
      Soon there will also be "coffee logs" available, which Kay hopes will be a greener alternative to traditional wood fires in the home.
      Reducing CO2
      Biodiesel is another product on the back burner, with the team investigating how coffee waste could power cars, buses, and even their own bio-bean collection truck.

      「我們發電一個小鎮」, Kay 那些工廠能夠每年處理掉每噸50萬咖啡渣。
      不久,將會有咖啡渣木頭上市, 這也是另一個取代傳統木頭火源的環保方式。

      Whether the granules are heating buildings or fueling cars, the main point is they're not being dumped straight onto landfill sites or sent to the incinerator, where they'd produce C02.
      Read: How Norway is changing the way we drink coffee
      "For every ton of coffee grounds, you would release a couple of tons of Methane and CO2," says Kay, who first came up with the idea after examining a cup of leftover coffee.
      Recipe for success
      "It had been left out overnight, and there was a thin film of oil on top of it. And I thought, there must be something useful in there."
      It turns out there was -- the coffee lover now employs more than 25 people, and the company recently won a Virgin Media business award, handed to them by star entrepreneur Richard Branson.
      "Two and half years ago, this was a sketch on the back of a napkin," says Kay, "and today it's a ground-out reality which could power the future."
      不管咖啡渣是做成是屋內取暖或是添加車子燃料, 主要是咖啡渣不會被直接傾倒在垃圾掩埋場或焚化爐燃燒產生二氧化碳了!
      借鏡: 挪威如何改變我們日常喝咖啡的方式
      「每噸的咖啡渣會釋放一批噸的甲烷和二氧化碳」, Kay, 他也是第一個想出檢驗咖啡殘留的人
      轉換的是咖啡愛好者目前擁有員工超過25人以上, 且該公司最近贏得維珍傳媒企業獎,由明星企業家Richard Branson授獎
      「兩年半前,這只是一個餐巾紙上的構想 , Kay, 「如今跳脫構想成為未來的能源。」